Become an Instructor

Join the Community of Online Educators

Instructors from around the world teach thousands of learners on ClassLah.

Discover Your Potential,
Value Your Skills

On ClassLah, everyone can learn and teach - and that includes you.
As more of the world goes online; there is no better time for you to begin than now.
As we consistently preach; every skill is valuable - so why not earn from it? And when course fees range only between $0.99 to $59.99; teaching a single skill becomes fair and just.

But wait! What if you have a complete, intensive course that leads to a diploma and other upper level cert? Break it up into smaller courses and give your students the choice to pick what they want to learn.

You're not tech savvy? Don't worry! Our dashboard is easy to use - and you always have us for support at Go on; take that first step. Create your first course.

Earn Money

Let's face it - times are hard. But not all is lost; you have some fantastic skills you may be able to import to the world and earn a side hustle? Win!

Inspire Students

Help people learn new skills, advance their careers and interests. What may seem easy for you may be gold to another. Help others change their future. Inspire them.

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How to Become an Instructor

Becoming an instructor is simple and immediately. You first by registering for an account; once you are a member of ClassLah!, you will be able to apply to become an Instructor. All you need to do is to click on any of the buttons across the website, “Become an Instructor”, and the system will automatically process and change your status into one.

Your dashboard will also be expanded to include an Instructor’s section, on the bottom left menu. Don’t forget to go through each part of the menu so you can understand the functions well.

Instructor Rules

As Instructors; you are responsible for the standards and quality of your course, the fair and equal judgment and assessment of lessons, tests, assignments, and student participation, course prices, and the safety, security and well-being of your learners, yourselves and the platform.

When registering and publishing your courses on ClasshLah, you agree to;
(1) Create courses and lessons that may benefit learners positively,
(2) Ensure quality in your language, presentation and commitment,
(3) Support your learners when possible,
(4) Use appropriate language and tools that are sensitive to all races, nationality, background, gender, gender identity and others,
(5) Protect learner and instructor confidentiality and data if/when they are shared as needed,
(6) Uphold the rules, terms and conditions, and privacy policies as stated on and its owners.
(7) Take responsibility for all of your courses and actions on, and will not hold anyone else responsible for events or situations that may arise from your courses and actions.

Need Help?

Please get in touch at

Plan Your Course Content

The first thing to do when creating your course is to organize your ideas. We recommend making a flow chart. A flow chart doesn't have to be something fancy; just something that helps you put ideas, process and objectives in order. Your course should have the following;

* Introduction. This include the introduction to the course/skills, brief details of how the course would go, who the course is for, the benefits of the course, etc. Basically; telling learners what the course is and why they should enroll in your course.

* The Main Body. This is where the course modules are; where your learners go through the knowledge and skillset introduction and practise. You can include assignments, tests and quizzes here..

* Conclusion. Conclude the course with a review or summary of the course/skill, and include a final test or quiz, and then certifying your learner.

Need help?

Just let us know; and we can send you a basic course creating template, at

We're here for you!

Our Instructor Support Team is here to help you through your course creation needs. If you cannot find answers to your questions on the Instructor FAQ; please contact us at and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Become an Instructor Today

Join the most affordable and easiest to use online learning community.

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